27 Temmuz 2007 Cuma

The Populist Movement essau

Anthony Dionisi
Period 1
US HIstory
The Populist Movement
The Populist Movement began in 1880's by southern and western farmers. The Populist Party was founded by the alliances of the farmers. The Populist party endorsed the direct election of senators electoral reform, tariffs, reduced. They also wanted graduated income tax, public ownership of the railroads, and "Free Silver".
The farmers were the main influences of the populist. The populist party start with farmers that were had many problems with the government. The farmer were upset that the government was unresponsive to their grievances. The falling agricultural prices and a tight money supply made it had for the farmers. Also the Industrial and railroad rates were really high and made it had for the farmers to make a living. So the farmers got together and formed separate alliances was not until the 1880's when the formed one big group. That is when they started to have any effect on america and congress.
The Populist Party led to many movement and many different thing. The control of monopoly's and transportation. It also led to the realize of seductive influence of corporate wealth and power. This led to the dislike of Republicans which were involved in these certain things. The protection from all unlawful combinations and unjust exactions of aggregated capital and corporate power was cause by this movement. Mary Lease said" common people of this country are slaves, and the monopoly is the master" this lead to the control of big corporations. This movement also led to the more equal rights and a safer american.
As show above the Populist Party was first just a little group of farmer and then grew into a big political party. The Populist Party and many good effects on the common good of the common and not common man. The Populist help not to make rich companies more rich,and give more money for the farmers. That was the effects of Farming alliances of the Populist movement.

Supernatural essay


The supernatural... there are a myriad examples for this notion. A memory of someone else’s experience, a premonition, intuition, or even a visit from another world... Perhaps it is not as cryptic and mysterious as it is made out to be. I wonder why so many people desire a liaison with such forces, enough to sometimes convince themselves that certain things really happened, when in fact their lives are as normal as their next-door neighbors. It makes one wonder about the next-door neighbors...
For centuries, there have been tales of magic and the otherworld, stories of fantastic journeys and strange acquaintances. Such talk has been publicly shunned, shrugged off as “nonsense” or “delirium”. In some cases, there have been deaths caused by the debates on this issue. But secretly, everyone wants to know and be a part of it all. Maybe even they themselves do not know why.
There must be something intriguing about being different, being able to do things no on else can ever do. It is considered valuable to have such a secret. Some people want powers to get revenge on their enemies. Some simply feel the need to assuage their thirst for something dissimilar. Considering we live in a world where everyone wants to “fit in”, I am inclined to wonder why there is such a craving to belong somewhere else.
But what of those people who actually know what it is like? I can not imagine that the supernatural does not take place at all. There must be someone out there who can move things with the snap of a finger, start a fire by blowing a kiss, or know what you are thinking before it reaches past your lips. And I wonder whether those people would ever be willing to live like the rest of us. Apparently, everyday life would be relatively easy – but according to the tacit laws of balance, their problems must be much worse.
Even if one does not possess such gifts, one may let desire grow into obsession until he or she finds it a challenge to differentiate reality from fantasy. Ordinary days would not be worth lingering upon, and would only be breezed through with hopes that the next day would hold more surprises than the last. The people with this outlook may easily lose focus in real life and eventually begin living in their own heads... maybe not literally, but the results could be just as devastating. This must be how anti-socials are created. I wonder why a supernatural life would be so preferable to the one we all know as “normal”.
Sometimes, in order to keep up with everyone else, one might end up hanging a bit too far off the edge, almost ready to let go. A parallel ledge of reality to reach out to could be just the haven many overwhelmed people may need. Sometimes, life is simply too slow. Every day may follow a routine identical to the one before. One may pine for adventure and challenge because what he or she currently does is too easy. Many just want to know what it is like to do something which they would be considered important and powerful for. Often, a person’s own world depicts them as a better looking, stronger, braver, more charismatic character than he or she truly is. A single accidental premonition could drive one around the world to the extremes on a personal “quest”, only to end up back at his or her doorstep with nothing more than the realization that there is nothing special out there.
I wonder why it hurts so much, being slammed back into the norm, although it is a known fact that all odds are against any supernatural dream coming true. Yet, this hope is always present in the “saved” files of every mind... saved from those memories of childhood in which anything seemed possible.
I wonder whether it still is, and if we have simply labeled it impossible because we have lost that credence which kept us so happy once upon a time. Sometimes I wonder why even believers are torn from this notion by others for whom it has failed to electrify as it once would have done.
There can be an infinite number of reasons as to why people desire the supernatural! What with it differing from mind to mind, each flame may take life from a different spark. And as much as we may burn for unreality, all we can do for ourselves is wonder, “why”.


by Jarrett Robinson

My name is Jarrett Robinson and I am a sophomore majoring in telecommunications at the Pennsylvania State University. After graduating from Penn State my career aspirations are to be a news anchor or a radio show personality. I currently work part-time in the school’s cafeteria to help support myself while in school. This five hundred dollar stipend would supplement my income in order to provide for some essentials such as rent and books; this would enable me to focus more on my studies.
As a freshman I had the opportunity to host my very own radio show while at Cheney University. It was there that I had the opportunity to become exposed to different genres of music and debut the talents of my peers. After that experience, it confirmed my desire to become a television or radio personality. I am confident that a college degree would facilitate my entry into the field of telecommunications. Therefore, I would greatly appreciate this additional financial assistance that will help accomplish my goal.
Upon completion of my studies at Penn State, I will be the first male in my family to graduate from college. In order to make this a reality and not just a dream, I could use any and all financial support. There are a number of obstacles that a young, black male in college must face and I believe that with your prayers and financial support, it will help me overcome these challenges.

Romeo and Juliet Literary Analysis Essay

Winston Douglass
English I Acc. Per. 2
March 3, 2006
Romeo and Juliet Literary Analysis Essay
In a well read book, seven deadly sins are listed. The sins list what every person should refrain from doing in his or her life. One of these sins is pride which by reading Shakespeare’s tragedy, Romeo and Juliet, we know can be deadly. While Juliet and Romeo love each other, their families focus on pride eventually destroys their love, the town, and their families. Pride is the main reason why Romeo and Juliet’s marriage fails.
Pride was what originally separated the Montague and Capulet houses. This continually disrupts Romeo and Juliet’s relationship. The families hate each other so much that it already demeans their opinion on each other before even meeting. When Juliet asks the nurse who the stranger was that just kissed her, the nurse says it was Romeo of the Montague house. Juliet, in disbelief, says “My only love sprung from my only hate!” (I. v. 152) She doesn’t know anything about Romeo, but she already is weary of him due to the fact that he is a Montague. After this revelation, she then professes her love for Romeo by saying, “…Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, / and I’ll no longer be a Capulet.”(II. i. 38-39) She acknowledges her born hatred and releases it at the same time. Pride is capable of many horrible things, but Romeo and Juliet elude most of it.
The pride factor between the Capulet and the Montagues not only cause great turmoil in the families, but also in the town and government. The Prince has had enough with the fighting to the point where he decrees, “If ever you disturb our streets again, /your lives shall pay for the forfeit of the peace,”(I. i. 98-99) The fights have gone on so long that the prince has to issue a death warrant before things can get better. Regardless of the hatred between two people, or a group of people for that matter, the threat of inevitable death normally drives the desire to kill down a lot. Even so, Mercutio was slain and the prince was very frustrated when he states, “…my blood from your rude brawls lie a-bleeding.”(III. ii. 199) His friend, and a friend of the city, was slain. Since Romeo, in a fit of rage, killed Tybalt, the prince exiled Romeo causing another While the families take most of the hits from this feud, the city also suffers quite a bit.
In the end, pride is what drives Romeo and Juliet to kill themselves. When Juliet is forced to marry Paris, she shows signs of suicide when she says, “O bid me leap, rather than marry Paris…” (IV. I. 78) She would rather kill herself than be shamed by marrying twice. Romeo also would have killed himself if not for the fact that Juliet would be upset if he died. When she supposedly dies, he lets his desire to be with her drive him to suicide. This is evident when he says, “Well, Juliet, I will lie with thee tonight.”(V. i. 37) He was shamed because he couldn’t help Juliet and he thought he would make it up to her if he took his life. While there were many other factors leading up to this tragic climax, pride was the biggest one.
A good book tells us that there are seven things never to do. One of them, pride, most people use and never think twice. Romeo and Juliet illustrate the reason why we should care about this more often. Can a city, a love, and two families be destroyed with a focus on pride? By observing two foolish youths, we can say yes. In reality, this specific example does not occur, but people still let pride get in the way. When someone has to decide between going to college or running the family business, pride plays a factor there too. Whether in Verona’s Shakespearian era city, or Chicago’s modern day turmoil, the price one has to pay to retain there pride is immense. Yet, we realize it only too late most of the times.

essay essay writing

My name is Katie Cugini and I am a senior at Tomball High School. I’d like to think of myself as a very accomplished individual, who excels in many different activities. I am in the top 5% of my class, I’m a member of NHS, and I have also been committed to athletics my entire high school career. My freshman and sophomore year I played basketball and ran track, then my junior and senior year I swam and played water polo. I also have two jobs at Tri State Smokehouse Grill and the other at La Parmigiana Italian restaurant. I am very active in my youth group at Prince of Peace
Catholic church. I believe I deserve this scholarship because I am a very well rounded individual, I’m a good role model, and I dedicated myself one hundred percent to all my commitments. I have very high goals and standards for myself so everything I do, whether it be academics, athletics, church or my job, I devote all my time and effort into accomplishing my goals. I also have important goals regarding my future.
In the fall of 2007 I will attend school at Texas A&M to major in Kinesiology. I chose a degree in Kinesiology because it will prepare me for my dream of getting into physical therapy school and becoming a physical therapist. I have felt motivated to become a physical therapist ever since I was a young child. My cousin, Nick, was born with cerebral palsy, which has hindered him doing many things we take for granted in our lives, such as walking or participating in sports. When I was young I used to go with Nick to his physical therapy sessions, and I would watch as the therapist did various exercises that would hopefully help my cousin live an easier, more independent life. Growing up with Nick, I have watched him struggle to do little things we take for granted like brushing our teeth or playing baseball. Yet, the therapist had the power to help teach Nick how to overcome and accomplish those difficult tasks. It used to be difficult for him turn over his hands and swim, but after years of physical therapy it helped Nick to do things like receive candy handed to him at Halloween, and play with the other kids in the pool. I have had the privilege of seeing the impact Nick’s physical therapist has had on his life, and I feel inspired to have that same impact on other children’s lives. Children with physical disabilities have been given a life full of challenges and adversity, and as a physical therapist I feel like I can help them to overcome those challenges and adversity, and help them to live the best life possible. Therefore, to become a physical therapist I need to receive a bachelor’s degree, then at least two years of physical therapy school.
Knowing I have at least six years of schooling ahead of me makes me realize that it will be a huge financial investment for my family and I. Although my family is finically stable I still have a great need to receive scholarships because I do not want to be fully dependant on my parents to get me through college. I am a very independent individual and I would like to do anything I can to help my parents pay for my college education. I am also a very responsible individual, which is why I am now working two jobs to save for my college education. I am also concerned because I have my younger sister coming into college only two short years after me, and I want to help carry the burden of financing two kids through college as much as possible. The past four years of high school I have been taking AP and honor classes and maintaining an A+ GPA, while playing sports so that I would be eligible for various scholarships. I believe I would be a perfect and deserving recipient of the John Hassell Memorial Scholarship because I have a passion to pursue a health science career, and I am a qualified, well-rounded individual.

essay about computer

Katie Cugini Cugini 1
Mrs. Greco
English IV – 2
April 11, 2007
Loneliness is a very real and relatable feeling that all living things can experience. Therefore, the theme of loneliness has been expressed in several forms of art like music or movies. In the classic Disney movie, The Beauty and the Beast, the movie Castaway, and the movie How the Grinch Stole Christmas, all of the main characters are dealing with some form of loneliness. Also, in the classic song All By Myself by Eric Carmen and Long Trip Alone by Dierks Bentley the singer expresses their fear of being alone and how they don’t want to be all by themselves.
In Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, the Beast hides away in his castle, with only his castle servants for company. The Beast was put under a curse that makes him hideous until he learned to love another, and that person loved him back. He spent ten miserable years alone and unloved, and this made the Beast very bitter. Then, he met Belle, who was also lonely in another sense. She felt trapped in her village, and desired to see the world. The two learned to see past each others differences and fell in love. The loneliness they both felt was overcome by their love for each other.
The 2001 movie, Castaway, starring Tom Hanks is the ultimate story of learning to survive nature and loneliness. The main character, Chuck Noland, finds him self stranded on an island after a plane crash. He must learn to survive on the island, while being all-alone. Without the companionship of another human being, Chuck turns to
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volleyball that he names Wilson. He paints a face on it, and talks to Wilson like he is his friend. Having something to talk to, even if it couldn’t talk back, kept Chuck from losing hope and giving up on survival. Despite Wilson, Chuck was so lonely on the deserted island he contemplated suicide many times. This movie was a great example of how a strong will to live can overcome the depression and loneliness that comes with being isolated.
In Universal Picture’s, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, the Grinch also represents a lonely person. He was banished and rejected from Whoville, and lives all alone on top of Mt. Crumpit. His only companion is his dog, Max, who can’t talk back to the Grinch. The Grinch is forced to live without any interaction with others, and this makes him very bitter and angry. Despite his anger and bitterness, the Grinch is truly seeking companionship and is accepted into Whoville after he reconciles with the Whos.
The classic song, All By Myself, also expresses the feelings of someone who is lonely. The singer says “don’t wanna be all by myself.” This song represents the human spirit because as humans we need love and companionship. Nobody wants to “live all alone” or have no friends like the person in the song does. Another song that conveys the theme of loneliness is Long Trop Alone by Dierks Bentley. He talks about how life can be long and lonely when your all alone, but its much easier and more enjoyable when you have someone at your side. He also expresses that life is short, too short to go through it lonely and friendless.
All of these movies and songs have one thing in common, the people or characters
are lonely and are seeking companionship. Friendship is what ended all of these cases of
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loneliness and friendship is what keeps us from becoming lonely. Loneliness is something that everyone experiences at one point or another in their lives, that is why it is a very common theme in songs and movies.

History of mathematics

History of mathematics


Task 1. Write down an overview of the history of mathematics focusing on the following topics:

- mathematical achievements of the period in question
- famous mathematicians and their work

Task 2. Answer the following questions.

Who discovered the correct formula for the volume of a pyramid?
Who discovered that the areas of crescent-shaped figures bounded by arcs of circles are equal to areas of certain triangles?
Whose name, incidentally, is the source of the word algorithm, and the title of one of his books is the source of the word algebra?
Which discovery did the Italian mathematician Gerolamo Cardano publish in 1545? What was the title of his work?
What numeration system do the earliest Egyptian texts, composed about 1800 BC, reveal?
What does a sexagesimal system refer to? Who used it?
Who are the three scientists whose work led to the invention of the programmable digital computer? Which century/centuries did they work in?
What is a papyrus? What problems do they deal with?
What are tablets?
When was non-Euclidean geometry discovered? Who was it discovered by first? Who was it rediscovered by?