27 Temmuz 2007 Cuma

The Populist Movement essau

Anthony Dionisi
Period 1
US HIstory
The Populist Movement
The Populist Movement began in 1880's by southern and western farmers. The Populist Party was founded by the alliances of the farmers. The Populist party endorsed the direct election of senators electoral reform, tariffs, reduced. They also wanted graduated income tax, public ownership of the railroads, and "Free Silver".
The farmers were the main influences of the populist. The populist party start with farmers that were had many problems with the government. The farmer were upset that the government was unresponsive to their grievances. The falling agricultural prices and a tight money supply made it had for the farmers. Also the Industrial and railroad rates were really high and made it had for the farmers to make a living. So the farmers got together and formed separate alliances was not until the 1880's when the formed one big group. That is when they started to have any effect on america and congress.
The Populist Party led to many movement and many different thing. The control of monopoly's and transportation. It also led to the realize of seductive influence of corporate wealth and power. This led to the dislike of Republicans which were involved in these certain things. The protection from all unlawful combinations and unjust exactions of aggregated capital and corporate power was cause by this movement. Mary Lease said" common people of this country are slaves, and the monopoly is the master" this lead to the control of big corporations. This movement also led to the more equal rights and a safer american.
As show above the Populist Party was first just a little group of farmer and then grew into a big political party. The Populist Party and many good effects on the common good of the common and not common man. The Populist help not to make rich companies more rich,and give more money for the farmers. That was the effects of Farming alliances of the Populist movement.

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