26 Temmuz 2007 Perşembe


An Idea that was developed in The Shawshank Redemption, directed by Frank Darabout, was one of friendship. This idea was revealed in many different scenarios. A few important characters were thrown into situations where their commitment to a friendship was challenged.

One particular friendship that was developed early on in the Shawshank Redemption was between Andy and Red. Red stereotyped Andy at first as a white-collar worker because he entered Shawshank prison dressed in a suit, but soon he took the time to get to know him and eventually developed a strong friendship. This would eventually lead him to Mexico after he was released. The friendship created between the two was completely loyal; this was revealed when Andy, Red and some other inmates were selected to reseal a roof. In the process of fixing the roof Andy was soon inches from being thrown off, but his people skills and understanding of human nature soon paid off and he avoided what seemed to be the inevitable. Another act that proved his loyalty was when he asked for alcohol for himself and his friends, even though he didn’t drink.

Another close friendship appeared between Brooks and his pet bird. This was first seen at the start of the movie, when Andy sat down for one of the daily meals, and discovered a maggot in his food. Brooks was quick to observe this and asked if he could have it. When he received the maggot, he then opened his overcoat and fed it to the tiny bird in one of the coats inner pockets. At the end of the story the bird is finally released and Brooks is released from prison and their friendship suddenly seems worthless. The bird just seemed to keep Brooks occupied most of the time and was soon is known by all who knew Brooks.

A peculiar friendship is revealed in the movie between the Warden and Andy. Once Andy’s talents in accounting are discovered in the prison, the Warden seems to take a liking to Andy and soon gets Andy to do all his bookwork. After Andy is abused, he gets revenge by revealing the truth. He reveals to the police what was really happening to the prison’s profit, but takes $370,000 for himself in his new life in Mexico. The Warden feels he cannot bear getting caught and is rather quick to reach for his pistol and to shoot himself.

The setting of Shawshank Prison played a huge role in all friendships, as it was where they would all have started. The prison situation produced a need for these at the start of the movie, the plot seems to distinguish the fact that inmates with no connections in the prison were destined to crumble under its pressure. As the movie progressed, Andy seemed to develop more and more kinships, and the more friends he got, the more respect he got.

Camera techniques helped to recognize friendships in a much more emotional level. A long shot is used when Andy is first brought into the prison and Red and his friends decide to put bets on who will crack first. The long shot shows Andy in a crowd, but attention is directed on him, as he is the only one wearing a suit.
A close up is used when Red and Andy are in the library, talking about the ‘phantom’ Andy had just conjured up. This is to show how close the two had become, so close in fact that they seem to trust one another with each other’s secrets.

Some of the friendships in the prison seemed to be friendships of convenience, as for example Brooks and his bird. Other friendships were apparent comradeship of one sort or another as seen between Andy and the Warden and still others were true friendship. Things like loyalty, respect and kindness identified the true friendship between Andy and Red and concluded the movie as it brought them together in Mexico.

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