27 Temmuz 2007 Cuma

college Essay

My first years of high school weren’t too good. My parents were in the middle of splitting up and it was affecting me in all aspects of my life. Since my parents had been together for most of my life I couldn’t understand why they were slitting up after 20 years of marriage. My first two years of high school were also affected by this; I was not doing well in school or at home with my family.
It was my junior year when things finally started to pick back up for me. My parents were getting back together and my life was coming back together. I knew I messed up my first two years of high school but there was still time to fix some of my mistakes. Junior year was a complete turnaround for me in school and at home. My grades went up in all my classes and I received honor roll all four marking periods my junior year. I finished my junior year with a more positive outlook on life and almost straight A’s in school. I was a different person then what I used to be and it was all for the better. I was getting along with my family and teachers and on the road to success.
Now its senior year and I’m still feeling good about school and doing better then ever. My first marking period grades were very good and I’m excited for college. College is the next big step I’m going to have to take in my life and I’m excited for the fun times and challenges it’s going to bring me throughout the next four years.

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